The power and miracle that is inherently woman


Self-forgiveness is key for women when we consider the implications to the collective consciousness.

Originally posted March 9, 2019

I remember having conversations with an ex-boyfriend’s mom about not wanting to be a girl. She is a wonderful, liberal woman, and I felt very comfortable talking with her about this, though I sometimes wonder now if she maybe thought I was transsexual. That was many years ago when I still felt like a girl, not a woman capable of growing human beings in my body, and then that same miraculous body—my body—being the sole provider of food for the first six months of those human beings’ lives.

Being a woman is a miraculous wonder.

And we have been so condescended upon throughout history by those who have been given life in our wombs.

Being a woman in our culture activates an invisible though very real shame. So many women are openly and bravely fighting it and exposing just how accepted it has been to treat women as lesser-than, incompetent, and deserving recipients of harassment, sexual and otherwise: dumb broad, woman driver, screaming like a little girl, tramp stamp, and etc., and etc.

We have been objectified, scared, and disrespected. We have been burned at the stake for our intuitive healing powers and stoned to death for having ideas. Our language even supports the perception of women as pathetic, crazy, hysterical (hyster- meaning uterus). Thirteen is an unlucky number because women have 13 menstrual cycles in a year. There are also 13 full moons a year: lunar cycles. Lunatic. It’s all related. And we don’t even see it, that’s how ingrained it is in our culture.

The current POTUS is a prime example of how misogyny is widely tolerated, accepted even. Abuse is still accepted.

We have been shown that because we are physically weaker, we are weaker in every way. Though, power gained through strength is not power at all. It’s force. And it doesn’t take a lot of skill or courage to be forceful.

Now, I would never call myself a Feminist. Not with a capital F. Even though I don’t like labels much, I did recognize a gross imbalance at a very young age that created a longing to be something other than what I am. The sole reason for this longing was that I saw how our culture treats our women and how it treats our men. I was at a disadvantage that I had no control over, and I didn’t like it. I had so much to offer, and I had the wrong genetic material.

One of the obstacles I have had to overcome in recent years is recognizing my worth, the immense value I bring to the conversation, and the story that kept me from being powerful. I believed I had no real worth. I personally felt I did, but the messages I perceived were otherwise. I spent decades sabotaging my life because I didn’t feel valuable.

And then I stopped believing that. I started believing something different.

I see a deep, deep need to forgive myself for not accepting and loving who I am, for believing who I was told and was shown I was. There is a wounded child inside me who desperately needs to be healed for the sake of my wholistic self-worth.

Until I forgive and heal those stuck feelings and beliefs, I cannot access the power that is inherently mine, the abundance that is my birthright.

I am responsible for the energy I am contributing to the collective consciousness. I know that my healing will create space for others to also heal. My healing will elevate the healing power of our great mother, Mother Earth. When other intuitive women feel the energy of my self-forgiveness for having allowed people to treat me how I was taught they could, they too will understand that they are forgivable and deserving of freedom and full self-expression. And they will see their value and forgive themselves, reclaiming their power and their voice, as I have done.

There are generations of women who are feeling what I am feeling right now. Could it be that through the momentum of women everywhere healing themselves, forgiving themselves, and reclaiming their power that the world, our culture, and even the Earth will experience its greatest shift in history? Are you interested in finding out? What are you prepared to do to heal those wounds?

We are miracles. Every single one of us. And we are so much more powerful when we are unified.

So much love and healing,



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A life threaded with purpose