conscious leadership
conscious leaders
are self aware
feel safe for others
lead with love
respond, not react
take responsibility
are learners
Conscious leaders know that they can creatively and effectively influence everything and everyone around them because leading from love, integrity, and clarity creates environments for people to feel safe, contribute uniquely innovative and progressive ideas, and be their best selves.
Conscious Leadership is needed now more than ever; the old way of doing things is becoming obsolete as we see the once steadfast, highly-subscribed to, stifling paradigms shifting from serving a few to needing to address the entirety. We need conscious leaders for these shifts to happen and so our future generations have a chance to thrive. Change is needed.
The process and the results can be inspired, magnificent self-expressions of inclusion, celebration, collaboration, and synergistic sustainability.
We are all leaders, and we are not all leading consciously. YET!
We must RISE UP together. Are you in?

YES! I’m IN!!
learn how to become the best version of yourself.
i hear from a lot of women who are feeling alone and who don’t know how to express their voice in the world.
Does this resonate? Do you…
feel isolated (can’t talk about your fears or challenges)?
lack an individual identity (it’s all about the kids and others)?
not express your creativity or feel disconnected from your creativity (“I’m not actually that creative” or “who has time for that”)?
feel invisible (your needs never make it to the top of the priority list)?
lack trust in yourself (have a hard time making decisions)?
lack confidence (worry about what other people think)?
feel tired AF?
feel worried about the world we are leaving for future generations?
love to see inspired women forging powerful new environments?

it’s not who you really are.
You’ve got something to say. In fact, you have something to contribute that no one else does. Unfortunately, we are not currently set up to allow women to freely express their wisdom and their creativity. Not in the mainstream, anyway. That’s changing. And you can be part of making it change. Our daughters—and our sons—need that from us. And we need it FOR OURSELVES!
The systems we have grown up with and have blindly integrated into our ways of doing and being are very heavily based in the masculine because men are the ones who created and have enforced them. That’s just historical fact. Unfortunately, the systems we live within are no longer working. And the systems don’t work because they are out of balance. It’s not because masculinity is bad. But the natural state of things is balance and harmony. Currently, there is a massive imbalance between the masculine and feminine. We can be the ones who bring it back to balance, and it’s the balanced, conscious self-aware voice, collectively, that will empower wellness into the world and into the future.
you can do something about it!

let’s talk.
Book a free discovery call for a one-to-one conversation with me to see what could be a good fit and transformational experience for you.


level up your leadership
times are changing. paradigms are shifting.
The old-school systems, models, ideologies, and methodologies are not working for people anymore. We need to be able to shift and pivot and expand our awareness to include new, revolutionary ways of thinking. We are expanding into better, happier, more inclusive and collaborative ways of thinking and leading
our children,
the kids we coach,
our employees (AND employers),
our extended families, and
This online course is adaptable for all people and all populations, both males and females, because everyone is a leader from exactly where they are. This means that everyone will benefit from expanding their self-awareness, courage, confidence, mindfulness, and approach to others and the world around them. And leadership always starts with our inner environment and how we manage ourselves. And so we start there. This course addresses all of the below and more.
What makes a leader conscious and how is this different from how things have been done?
Why we should want to invest in ourselves to help those around us.
the attributes of good leaders
the elements of successful people
How do we achieve more freedom in our lives, with our time, and in our relationships?
Identifying our core values and getting intentional with weaving them into every aspect of our lives
What does a balanced human look like, and how do we identify the sweet spot that successful, conscious leadership comes from?
creating safe spaces for yourself and others
making a difference for our community and the world

conscious leadership for women
THE WAY WE LIVE AND WORK—AND WHAT WE ARE WILLING TO TOLERATE—IS CHANGING, AND CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP IS about balance, self-awareness, courage, confidence, resiliency, and more than anything…leading from love.
Leading from love is a feminine quality that women excel at when it is nurtured and directed intentionally toward collaborative, progressive, value-based results.
In this 16-hour online course, we explore the elements of our inner selves that help us become leaders in life, from exactly where we are, creating the life and a world we love to be a part of
Deeper self-awareness
Deeper connection
Deeper fulfillment
In order to express with confidence and lead each other, ourselves, and our daughters, we must know our voice and courageously use it to create change
When we have these conversations, we have access to the topics and to new actions in a much more intentional and powerful way. Coming together with a group of women to experience the magnificent potential of feminine energy is healing and creative.
If we are to survive and even thrive, we must do so together, supporting each other. We must create what we want, invest in what we want: wellness, connection, healthy relationships with our children, and safe spaces for our daughters and sons to enjoy and feel free to be themselves in
Haven’t we all had enough of our disempowering systems? Aren’t we all ready for a New System?

conscious leadership for young women
Imagine the power of mothers & daughters evolving themselves simultaneously, side by side! imagine the journey, the connection, the creativity. stronger together.
I have a young daughter, and I want her to feel more free to express herself, to feel SAFE, and to fulfill her wildest dreams than I did as a young woman. And I suspect there is not a women reading this who hasn’t felt similar things for her daughters, and likely her sons, too.
The reality is that our world does not currently have the infrastructure to support our future generations in the way that they deserve. Our systems do not embrace diversity and celebrate differences and show our kids how to manage themselves and others within these systems, especially for young women. We must do that for them. But how? This was a question I used to ask myself a lot. So I created the “how” because I couldn’t tolerate the alternative.
This 16-hour online course is designed for girls 14+ years to have age-appropriate discussions around
knowing yourself (talents, passions, purpose, self-expression, self-awareness, self-respect)
creating healthy relationships
taking responsibility
creating safe spaces for yourself and others
building confidence, courage, and
learning mindfulness and how to respond instead of react
collaboration and appreciating diversity
making a difference for our community and the world

the inner circle
The Inner Circle is a beautiful, value-added conversation designed to support and pour love and inspiration into the women.
Each online conversation will embrace what is most important for the women in the group. The intention is to nurture and strengthen each woman’s experience of herself and what is deeply important to her in the world.
Have you ever wished you had a stable group of reliable, non-judgemental women who really heard you and saw you for who you really are and for the exact vibe of your self-expression? This is it, ladies! The Inner Circle is a safe environment of sisterhood. This experience is unlike any you will have experienced in the past; because once you have felt this kind of love and support, you will not want to remove yourself from it.
masculine and feminine: we need both
Like anything—yin and yang, —we exist in a reality of opposites. When we learn to balance the opposites and harmonize how we use them, we hit a sweet spot that works powerfully in our favour.
For many centuries, the masculine has dominated and saturated our lives. While the masculine energy has many great qualities, it will never function optimally without being balanced by the great qualities of the feminine. As we become conscious leaders for ourselves, our children, and for the world around us, it will serve us the best to consider how each can positively play a role and impact the state we leave the world in, and how learning to embrace and master both is the key to thriving for all of us.
Both the feminine and the masculine have qualities that fit along a spectrum ranging from high to low. The higher qualities of each, when in balance, create the optimal sweet spot for balanced, productive leadership and progress, whether in personal life or in a business setting. The lower qualities are typically more destructive and less empowering.
Remember, every female and male needs a healthy balance of masculine AND feminine to be their best self and a conscious leader. Individuals who do not invest in personal growth and developing their self-awareness are far less likely to be leading productively and progressively.
Currently and historically, our society has been predominantly low masculine acting upon low feminine; in order for women to become successful in this environment, they have had to become predominantly high masculine.
The way we live and work—and what we are willing to tolerate—is changing, and Conscious Leadership is bringing the masculine and the feminine into balance.
It is no longer necessary for women to IMITATE men to express their masculine and enjoy success. Likewise, it is no longer effective for men to assume a position and impose control over others. Both women and men must become more balanced.
masculine qualities
High Masculine (purpose-driven)
setting and achieving goals from a place of inspiration instead of fear
the focus is on the vision and/or purpose
taking productive action to fulfill on a vision or purpose
Low Masculine (fear-driven)
reactive action
imposing control
fear and feeling threatened are primary motivators
feminine qualities
High Feminine (purpose-driven)
receptivity as an act of power: collaborative
encouraging others; creating open spaces for others to create
appreciative inquiry into what is working instead of being critical about what is not working
creating positive culture that encourages people to thrive, pursue, and achieve their own goals
honouring and loving things as they are and as they turn out on their own (without having to control or force any aspect)
love and observation as central leadership aspects
Low Feminine (fear-driven)
INaction out of fear (victim mentality)
fear-based reception
passive and/or submissive
often leads to burn-out
These kids (and all kids) are my WHY.
I am a stand for people, for universal human equality, and for people expressing their voice with courage and confidence.
As a creative person, I see new possibility in everything. As an awake person who has spent immeasurable hours consciously growing, expanding, and reflecting, I have a strong desire to help other people see the immense value and power in their own life. I love people. My passions and talents are all about learning, listening, and connecting. With these qualities, my life’s work has become creating spaces for people to discover this about themselves.
Why do I love working with women & young women? I see the feminine voice as the pathway of the future. We need female leaders to forge a love-led, purposeful, collaborative leadership that embraces everyone, shifting away from the hyper-masculine overdrive that has not been working and has left the world in a desecrated state. We need the feminine voice to courageously and confidently sound out, shout out, rise up and ROAR!!!! And I get PUMPED about being a part of that shift!!

“The changes we wish could happen around us need to happen within us first.”
— Artemis Evangelidi, author of Life. Thoughts that Make the World Go Around (and Up, Not Down)