This is the condensed version. All good.
If you really want to get a glimpse into who I am at a deeper level, I invite you to visit this page…
Hi, I’m leanne mccarthy.
My spiritual journey started decades ago and charged to the forefront shortly after becoming a mother for the second time. I was overwhelmed, completely unable to recognize who I was becoming, and felt hollow, as though all of my dreams and purpose had been shelved and tagged as “negligible…for the time being.” I knew I needed to put myself back into my life, and I didn’t know what that meant or how to do it. I started reaching out for help (which is NOT something I had practiced often up to that point). The first person I asked was someone who was living a life I was VERY interested in. That coffee date was “intentional-step-one” on the path toward knowing my heart’s manual. With each new coach and mentor, I was able to harvest new seeds of expansion and new dimensions of awareness. It took intentional tuning in and turning on. I have degrees in frames and certificates galore, but the thing that has given me the most reward and the highest energetic paycheque is knowing my purpose and how to communicate with my own soul. Everything else falls beautifully into place after that.
My mission
I see the beauty in all people, and I especially love the powerful essence and bold strength that women possess. Women are the influencers, the protectors, the problem-solvers, and the caretakers who so frequently forget to love themselves, make themselves a priority, and remember their own worth. I get excited about helping my beautiful sisters remember who they really are and help them love themselves wholly again so they can live in harmony and inner peace, leading others with their heart-centred conviction.
I am passionate about learning, connecting with people, everything of a spiritual growth and connection nature, true self-expression (yours and mine!), and helping people see the immense value within themselves.
I am super committed to contributing to a future culture, a New Worldview, where all people feel safe to self-express, where people embrace diversity and celebrate each others’ differences knowing it takes diversity to make life rich, and where people understand how to love who they are, BE who they are, and live out beautiful lives with freedom, peace, and happiness.